Sunday, 29 March 2015

Sexual Problem Treatment

We are offer Sexual Problem Treatment: Sexual Problem Relaxed , flaccid genitals, no sexual power and desire. Emissions too quick/almost every night Nocturnal emissions with weakness of genitals almost every night.

Premature Ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation is one of the most common sexual problems affecting men today, with studies showing that 1 in 3 men will experience this embarrassing condition at some point during their lives.

Men affected by premature ejaculation lack the ejaculatory control to last long enough in bed to satisfy their partner, and are almost always unable to bring a woman to orgasm.

Premature ejaculation is also known to cause a number of problems outside the bedroom such as stress, low self esteem, infidelity and relationship breakdown.

Sex Timing

The average duration of sexual intercourse differs from person to person and with age. This calculator makes use of studies related to average duration of intercourse for varying age groups to allow people to compare themselves with worldwide population numbers. It has been seen that the average time to ejaculate reduces with age, even though the change is very slow, and may not affect everyone. A number of physical and psychological factors can increase the risk for delayed ejaculation. Some of the important factors that can lead to a higher than normal duration of sexual activity are religion, strict upbringing, stress, anger, trauma and lack of attraction.

Power Sex

If you would like to access the source of absolute power your motives must not be to cause harm to anything or anybody. It must not be to gain oppressive control over others or to attempt to do what, in your heart, you feel and know is wrong. If you are willing to agree to this proviso, then and only then, is it safe for you to proceed. Only then is it profitable for you to proceed. We have recently produced a step-by-step method revealing the secret access to Absolute Power.

Sexual Health

Erectile Dysfunction : Erectile Dysfunction, once referred to as impotence, erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to have or maintain an erection adequate for intercourse. Approximately 30 million American men have ED with age being the primary risk factor: The older the man becomes, the greater his chances for developing ED. There are currently a number of medications that can be taken to treat ED

Dyspareunia : Dyspareunia is pain during attempted or after vaginal intercourse. Dyspareunia is caused by the anatomical structure of the uterus and pelvic muscles as well as uterine or ovarian disorders like endometriosis, fibroids or pelvic inflammatory disease.

Orgasmic Disorder : Orgasmic Disorder is condition that is characterized by a lack of reaching an orgasm or an orgasm that is markedly reduced in its intensity. Psychological, environmental, and physiological factors in addition to certain medications, damage to the genital nerves are all possible causes for orgasmic disorder.

Sexual Desire or Interest Disorder :Sexual Desire or Interest Disorder is a term that is used to describe a woman who has diminished sexual interest and desire. Psychological factors as well as hormonal changes and certain medications contribute to Sexual Desire or Interest Disorder.

Sexual Arousal Disorder : Sexual Arousal Disorder is the inability to become sexually aroused despite experiencing sexual stimulation. Sexual Arousal Disorder is caused by psychological and physical factors as well as hormonal changes.

If you are looking for best natural treatment then you must visit Hashmi Dawakhana, which gives you best possible medicine and services, to eradicate the root cause of the problem. They have a widespread network with their presence all across the country. Whenever the name of natural medicines and treatment comes, the first name that strikes in our mind is Hakeem Hashmi's Hashmi Dawakhana. They give you complete trustworthy solution for your health related diseases at reasonable rates. Visit

Health Problem Treatment


Asthma is a debilitating and potentially deadly chronic inflammatory disease of the airway which mainly arises from allergies. You may characterize it by sudden recurring attacks of labored breathing, chest constriction and coughing. It may conditionally characterized by paroxysmal attacks of bronchospasm causing difficulty in breathing. One way to manage asthma is to stay away from triggers.

Genral Weakness

Weakness is a feeling of being tired or exhausted, or experiencing a loss of strength. Weakness may not always be accompanied by obvious or visible illness. Short-term weakness may occur because of overwork, stress, or lack of sleep. You may also feel weakness after overcoming an illness, such as a cold or the flu. Some weakness may occur after vigorous physical activity.

Weakness may occur throughout your entire body or in a specific area, such as your arms or legs. Weakness may also be localized to a single muscle such as a calf muscle in your leg.


Diabetes is called a non-communicable disease–that is, one that can not be spread from one person to another. It is a disease that takes many years to develop. Diabetes is a defect in the way that our bodies process sugar, impairing the removal of sugar from the bloodstream. Sugar and carbohydrates (rice, breadfruit, taro and other starches) are a major source of energy for the body, but too much of them is a danger to our health. High levels of sugar in our bloodstream increases the risk of heart attack and stroke and can cause kidney disease. In fact, an excessive sugar level can interfere with many of the bodily systems, leading to blindness and death.

Skin Problems

White spots on Skin :
Appearance of white patches on skin have become a serious skin problem. In most of the cases these occurs due to the loss of pigmentation in skin. There are many skin conditions or pigmentation disorders which causes skin spots. Normally majority of the people get these white skin spots on any on one or more parts of the their body but they do not know what are the real things about these skin spots. These white spots affecting millions of population from any races and both sexes. Actually this post is a brief discussion about the skin conditions which causes the white spots on skin, what are the causes of these spots and how these skin conditions can be treated.

Vitiligo : he skin disorder, Vitiligo is the skin disease that creates the pale patches on the skin. These patches are normally white and it is often witnessed that they get wider on the skin. Even in later stages, these pale or white patches start appearing on other body parts and even on or around the genitals.

Leucoderma : is a chronic disorder of the skin where the skin stops producing pigments that color the skin. As a result white patches appear randomly at different locations on the skin. These patches are white in color and as time passes may increase in number and size. Leucoderma is not a medical term. It is only a substitute name for vitiligo. vitiligo is a more common name for this disease in the west where as in Asia leucoderma is used more. .

Skin Cancer : The cancer in the skin is one of the most common of all human cancers and is diagnosed very high all over the world. The skin cancer develops when the normal cells grow and multiply very fastidiously. This sudden transformation in the cells causing uncontrollable formulation of cells leads to a mass called a tumour. Tumour of skin is often referred to as lesions. These tumours are cancerous in the cases when they are malignant causing invasion of neighbouring tissues due to the excessive growth. The tumours may also travel to remote organs through the bloodstream.

Weight Loss :

Weight loss diets, weight loss drugs, weight loss surgeries are all over the place today. The reason is simple - disorders like overweight and obesity are growing at an alarmingly high rate. Not limited any more to the high income group, these conditions are showing a dramatic rise in incidence in low and middle-income groups as well. Projections by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2001 suggested that the number of obese Indians could rise by 300% in the next 25 years.

Weight Gain :

Man can not build muscle with food alone. Packing on lean muscle weight requires two things: one, you have to lift weights and two, you have fuel your muscle growth with the right kinds of foods. Even if you're training with weights regularly, stuffing your face with anything and everything is not the way to build muscle and achieve that ripped, buffed look you desire. A healthy, balanced diet that includes plenty of lean proteins, the right carbohydrates and unsaturated fats is essential to gaining lean muscle mass.

If you are looking for best natural treatment then you must visit Hashmi Dawakhana, which gives you best possible medicine and services, to eradicate the root cause of the problem. They have a widespread network with their presence all across the country. Whenever the name of natural medicines and treatment comes, the first name that strikes in our mind is Hakeem Hashmi's Hashmi Dawakhana. They give you complete trustworthy solution for your health related diseases at reasonable rates. Visit

7 Tips to Help Improve Your Relationship

relationship is like a delicate thread, which remains strong only when both the ends are together. If either of the partners is not giving their best, it’s quite likely that their relationship will break. So, it’s essential for couples to work towards improving the quality of their relationship. Relationship troubles occur due to various reasons like lack of understanding, weakening of the love bond, feeling of sexual dissatisfaction, loss of respect and other personal choices. But it’s the responsibility of the partners to make their marriage work. Here are some simple ways to help you improve your relationship.
1. Always talk out your problems with each other because unless you tell the other person what’s going in your heart and mind, there’s no way you can make your relationship work. Speak up about the issues, find solutions and then implement them in your relationship.
2. Try and be honest with each other and don’t hide things which matter to your relationship. Never cook up false stories in front of your mate because it won’t do any good. Express your true feelings.
3. It is always better to solve problems inside your room and never allow a third person to interfere in your relationship problems. Remember, an outsider would not be able understand the nitty-gritty of your relationship, so it’s best if you solve it on your own and not have any mediator doing things on your behalf. The only exception would be if you are taking help from a qualified marriage counselor.
4. When it’s about making your relationship better, you can’t afford to be stubborn. It’s important to keep your calm and be patient. Especially when the other partner is not in a good mood, it’s better to be silent, let them have their say and then you put forward your point.
5. In a lot of cases, the root cause behind a bad relationship is bad timing of saying certain things. Don’t say things that can irritate your mate and which you may regret later. Rather, know your partner’s mood first and then act accordingly. If you feel it’s not the right time to initiate a particular conversation, refrain from doing so. Take it up later when things are better and timing is better.
6. Sexual dissatisfaction is another main cause due to which relationship starts to deteriorate. If you know this already, then don’t wait for things to get worse. Know where you are lacking and then work on those areas and please your partner sexually. You can always consult a qualified sexologist to help iron out this aspect of your relationship.
7. Small gestures are often stronger than big words, so do it frequently and make your partner feel special. Giving gifts, saying ‘I love you’, giving a kiss or hug, planning a surprise dinner and so on are things that help making your relationship better and sweeter.
These may sound like little things but if you make them a part of your relationship, they can bring about a huge change in your love life. So if you feel you are facing doldrums in your married life, try out these steps to help break the impasse in your relationship.

If you are looking for best natural treatment then you must visit Hashmi Dawakhana, which gives you best possible medicine and services, to eradicate the root cause of the problem. They have a widespread network with their presence all across the country. Whenever the name of natural medicines and treatment comes, the first name that strikes in our mind is Hakeem Hashmi's Hashmi Dawakhana. They give you complete trustworthy solution for your health related diseases at reasonable rates. Visit

Tagged as: lifestyle, marriage, relationships, tips

7 Tips for Better Erections

Most men will suffer from some sort of erection problem during their lifetime, and these problems will become more obvious when men enter their 30′s and 40′s. fortunately for most, erectile dysfunction is something that can be rectified quite easily. Listed below are some very useful tips to help men not only maintain harder and longer lasting erections but also leading a healthier life in general.
1. Sleep Well: Getting enough sleep is not only vital for your general health but also very important for your sexual potency. Sleeping for at least seven hours a day will ensure that there is no risk of disrupting the flow of hormones which regulate your sex drive. Getting sufficient sleep also means that the penis is getting sufficient blood flow, which is essential for getting an erection.
2. Kick the addiction: Smoking cigarettes, marijuana and use of other recreational drugs is almost sure to cause erectile dysfunction. These drugs, and yes, nicotine is a potent drug; damages the blood vessels in your body and will adversely affect the capability to get and maintain erections. So use your will power or get professional help to get rid of these addictions.
3. Avoid having sex after a heavy meal : Your body needs extra energy to burn the extra food that you eat, blood that is needed by your penis to get an erection gets diverted towards your stomach. So it’s better if you only eat a light meal or nothing at all before you indulge in sex.
4. The more the better: The simple truth is that indulging in sex more often will increase the testosterone levels in your body and give you stronger erections.
5. Get rid of the paunch: Being overweight not only causes problems for the heart and other parts of your body but also reduces the flow of blood to the penis, leading to erection problems. Eat healthy food and exercise regularly to reduce your weight and see improvement in not only your general health but also in your sexual health.
6. Take supplements : Taking supplements like fish oil, vitamin C and D will help not only your general health but are also known to help getting stronger erections, though the supplements mentioned here are generally considered safe, it is always a good idea to consult your doctor before you start taking them.
7. Control your stress levels: High stress levels will cause you erection problems as it will drive down your libido. So it becomes important for you to keep these levels in check for the benefit of your emotional state of mind and your sexual health. Exercising, meditation and other stress control techniques like yoga etc. will help you keep the stress levels in control.
These simple lifestyle changes will go a long way to help you reduce the risk of suffering from erection problems, help lead a healthier life and enjoy your sex life to the fullest. If in-spite of these changes you still experience erectile dysfunction then I suggest you visit your doctor or a qualified sexologist to get a full check up and tests done to get to the root of the problem.

If you are looking for best natural treatment then you must visit Hashmi Dawakhana, which gives you best possible medicine and services, to eradicate the root cause of the problem. They have a widespread network with their presence all across the country. Whenever the name of natural medicines and treatment comes, the first name that strikes in our mind is Hakeem Hashmi's Hashmi Dawakhana. They give you complete trustworthy solution for your health related diseases at reasonable rates. Visit

Tagged as: ed, erectile dysfunction, impotence, lifestyle, sex problems, sexual health

7 Myths about Masturbation

One of the most frequently asked questions that I get are regarding masturbation and it’s so called ill effects. Myths about masturbation are something that has been around for centuries, being handed down from one generation to another. These myths have the effect of making a lot people especially among the younger generation, imagining they to have problems where none exist. Here a few of these myths.
1. Masturbation is harmful for your health: The act of masturbation is as natural as making love, and, just like sexual intercourse it does not have any adverse effects on your health. That it causes acne, impotence, dark circles around the eyes etc are just unfounded assumptions and are not correct.
2. Only the young masturbate: In fact, masturbation is a lifelong sexual activity. Surveys regularly show that anywhere from 70 to 95% of adult men and women masturbate. And while this may slow down as we age, many of us continue masturbating into our golden years. One survey of 800 adults over 60 found that that 46% of them masturbated, another found that 20% of seniors masturbated once a week or more. Masturbation isn’t just for the young, nor is it an “immature” form of sexual behavior.
3. Only men have the need to masturbate: Statistics seem to show that men indulge in masturbation much more than women, the most obvious reason for this, is not that women don’t need to masturbate, but because most women who indulge in it don’t report this in a survey, because of the negative attitude that our society has towards female masturbation. There is no scientific fact to back this myth. It is as natural for females to masturbate as it is for the males.
4. Only people of single status masturbate: This myth is totally unfounded as stats show that most people who are in a relationship indulge in masturbation. The need to masturbate has got nothing to do with a person’s relationship status. Again the unfounded social attitude about this act only makes people indulge in it privately and without their partner’s knowledge.
5. Regular masturbation is bad: Is regular sexual intercourse bad for you? Then how can masturbation be bad for you as it only mimics the sexual act. One can masturbate up to a couple of times a day with no ill effects. You just need to be aware about the difference between excessive masturbation and compulsive masturbation. The latter can lead to a few problems (mainly psychological), if you fell that you masturbate compulsively, then it is a good idea to contact a sexual health expert.
6. Masturbation can lead to curvature of penis: No, masturbation has got nothing to do with the curvature of the penis.
7. Only certain kinds of people masturbate: By now I think you can probably imagine this myth has no foundation whatsoever. In fact research shows that it is a common activity across all strata of society, religious beliefs etc. Most people have masturbated in their life and the majority of these continue to do so.
So now you know there are no harmful effects of masturbation (except in a few exceptions like that of compulsive or obsessive masturbation), and that it is actually a very healthy psychological and physical sexual out let for your body.

If you are looking for best natural treatment then you must visit Hashmi Dawakhana, which gives you best possible medicine and services, to eradicate the root cause of the problem. They have a widespread network with their presence all across the country. Whenever the name of natural medicines and treatment comes, the first name that strikes in our mind is Hakeem Hashmi's Hashmi Dawakhana. They give you complete trustworthy solution for your health related diseases at reasonable rates. Visit

Tagged as: lifestyle, masturbation, sex problems, sex tips, sexual health

7 Great Health Benefits of Having Sex

Most people only think of the sexual gratification (reaching an orgasm) when they have sex, but research has shown that engaging in sex can have some surprising benefits for your general health, both physical and psychological. These benefits are more prominent in people who have sex at least a couple of times a week. Here are a few of them:
1. Increase your immunity: Having regular sex can increase the levels of immunoglobulin A (an antibody) which can increase your immunity against the common cold and other infections.
2. Sex is good for your heart: One of the myths surrounding sex especially in older men is that the having vigorous sex can cause a stroke, this is one myth that you can throw out of the window as there is no proof of this being true, in fact the truth of the matter is that if you have sex twice a week, you will reduce the chances of a fatal heart attack by half, when compared to those men who have sex less than once a month.
3. Improve the love factor in your relationship: Warm contact with your partner during sex will increase the levels of the love hormone (oxytocin). This is the reason you feel warmth and generosity towards your partner after having sex and attaining an orgasm. Increased frequency of love making will help you and your partner to bond more with each other.
4. Reduce your pain: Have you ever noticed a reduction in pain caused by headaches, arthritis etc after having sex, this is because your body releases endorphins after you have made love which helps in the natural relief of pain in your body.
5. Relieve Your Stress: Frequent sexual intercourse will lower your diastolic blood pressure and reduce stress levels in your body. Studies have shown that those who indulge in intercourse handle stressful situations much better than those who don’t.
6. Lose Weight: Having sex is a great way to exercise. You burn at least 85 calories per every half hour of sex. This may not feel like much, but with each session this count builds up. Anyways it’s hard to find a more fun way to exercise than making love.
7. Feel better about you: This is one of the main reasons people indulge in sex. If you have great sex frequently, it will only help you boost your self esteem. This reason why a lot of folks feel good about themselves after having a session of satisfying sex.
So now you know that having frequent sex with your partner will not only give you physical release but also benefit your general health in many different ways. Having a passionate sex life will not only improve your intimate relationship but also help you lead a healthier life. Just remember to practice safe sex using protection.

If you are looking for best natural treatment then you must visit Hashmi Dawakhana, which gives you best possible medicine and services, to eradicate the root cause of the problem. They have a widespread network with their presence all across the country. Whenever the name of natural medicines and treatment comes, the first name that strikes in our mind is Hakeem Hashmi's Hashmi Dawakhana. They give you complete trustworthy solution for your health related diseases at reasonable rates. Visit

Tagged as: health, health tips, lifestyle, sexual health

6 Tips to Relieve Work Related Stress

Carrying on from my previous post on how work related stress can be a killjoy for your intimacy; here are a few tips on how you can relieve the same after coming home from a stressed filled day at the office, so that you can create an atmosphere and mental state more conducive to lovemaking for both you and your partner.
1. Start off an intimate conversation: The most important thing to relieve your office tensions is to deviate from them. Try and focus more on complimenting your partner and start talking with seductive words, rather than the daily routine life problems. Steer the conversation towards erotica, about sex positions, foreplay techniques, your fantasies etc, so that you can forget the bad times spent at work and rather enjoy these precious moments with your partner.
2. Watch a romantic movie together: There can’t be a better option to divert your mind than to watch something romantic and arousing. A romantic movie with some sexually charged scenes can surely let you forget all office tensions and seek some sexual pleasure with your partner.
3. Enjoy an exotic dinner: You would hardly get time to help your wife in the kitchen, so on a day when job stress is bothering you much, try dong something which you might not be too good at. Cooking scrumptious dishes using best of ingredients can let you rejuvenate your senses and as you enjoy a romantic candle lit dinner, take a chance to get intimate with your lover.
4. Indulge in a soothing massage: Office tensions not only give you mental stress but also leave your body exhausted and tired. Best way to calm your mind and soul is to give each other a sensuous body massage using the best of aromatic oils. As you massage and touch each other’s body, passion will start building and as you approach towards the end, the heat will be enough to keep you going for some action in bed.
5. Share some happy moments: It’s true that office tensions should be left behind at the place of work only but at times, sharing them overtly with your partner can help you feel better and unwind your mind. So make a point to discuss everything with your partner expecting that they will stand by you to comfort you in tough times. Doing this will help you both bond strongly and at the same time, sharing your office burden with someone else, will make you feel relaxed and you can perform well in bed as well.
6. Deck up your bedroom settings: The best way to leave behind or conquer your workplace tensions is to come out of that environment. Make sure that when you reach home, there is nothing around, which remind you of your office settings. Especially when you head towards bedroom for some sexual intimacy, the atmosphere should be such that you feel in an altogether new place. This would not only help you forget the tensed moments but would push you closer to your partner.
Having said it all, it is very crucial that you show faith in your partner and share your professional problems with them (without constantly whining about them), and look for their support. If in-spite this, the office tensions continue to give you sleepless nights, do not let your spouse face the brunt of your frustration and anger; rather seek an expert’s advice to come out of it.

If you are looking for best natural treatment then you must visit Hashmi Dawakhana, which gives you best possible medicine and services, to eradicate the root cause of the problem. They have a widespread network with their presence all across the country. Whenever the name of natural medicines and treatment comes, the first name that strikes in our mind is Hakeem Hashmi's Hashmi Dawakhana. They give you complete trustworthy solution for your health related diseases at reasonable rates. Visit

Tagged as: health tips, sexual health, stress, tips

6 Things You Need to Know About Sex during and After Pregnancy

Here are the most questions asked by couples who are pregnant.
1. First and foremost, is sex for pregnant women safe?
In general, it is quite safe to have sex during normal or low risk pregnancy. For those women who are at a risk of preterm labor or face complications like placenta previa during their pregnancy, sex should be avoided. You should consult with your gynecologist when in doubt.
2. What is the safe period for sex for pregnant women?
It is safe to have sex till the last trimester as long as your pregnancy has been normal. Don’t have sex if your water breaks or if you are carrying multiples.
3. What precautions should be taken by pregnant women and their partners while indulging in sexual activities during pregnancy?
• Try avoiding sex in the first trimester if the pregnant woman suffers from fatigue, nausea or vomiting. The second trimester is the best time to have sex during pregnancy as the woman has more than likely overcome the trials and tribulations of the first trimester and will enjoy sex.
• Avoid orogenital sex during pregnancy.
• Avoid using lubricating creams and gels as they may irritate the skin and cause allergic reactions.
• Try different sexual positions to make sex as comfortable as possible for the pregnant woman. This is especially important in the latter part of the pregnancy because the woman may feel physically cumbersome and uncomfortable during this time.
4. Is there a change in libido for women after pregnancy?
A woman’s body goes through a lot of changes during and after pregnancy and this along with other things like post partum depression, issues with her body image may cause her to have loss of sexual desire (Libido). Loss of sleep, fatigue and breast-feeding the baby can also cause a dip in the libido.
5. Are there any exercises or diet changes that can be made to increase libido after pregnancy?
Start exercising the moment you feel ready. Exercising regularly after childbirth will make you feel energized, help you deal with stress and generally improve your mood and all these things will also help you regain your libido. Improving your diet of course will help you quick start the process. Doing exercises to strengthen your pelvic and abdominal muscles will go a long way to increase your libido and help you enjoy sex more.
You can try doing the following exercises:
• Lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent. Flatten your back against the floor by tightening your abdominal muscles and bending your pelvis up slightly. Hold for up to 10 seconds. Repeat five times and work up to 10 to 20 repetitions.
• Do Kegel exercises, which are quite simple to do; it involves contracting and relaxing muscles of the pelvic floor. (You can try simulating the act of holding back your urine during midstream).
As far as dieting is concerned, you need a nutritious intake for yourself and your baby (when breast feeding). Try to eat whole grains, fruits and veggies (raw or steamed) and high protein foods such as lean meats, eggs or soy products. Avoid weight loss diets.A combination of exercise and a healthy diet will not only better your overall health but will also help you feel better about yourself and which in turn will definitely improve your libido.
6. What are the safest sex positions for pregnant women?
The important thing to realize, when trying out different positions to have sex during pregnancy is that the woman should feel comfortable with it and avoid putting weight on the uterus and the abdomen area.
Here are a couple of positions you can try:
Spooning Sex Position: This position puts no pressure on the abdomen; Lye down side by side (much like two spoons together) and get your partner to position behind you at various angles for penetration till he finds one that is comfortable for him.
On Top: Try this position by sitting on top of your partner while he is lying on his back. This position puts you in control of the pace of the movement.
In any case, always clear all your doubts about having sex during and after pregnancy with your doctor. And remember if in doubt or at the first sign of discomfort, discontinue and abstain from sex until you consult with your doctor and follow his /her recommendations.

If you are looking for best natural treatment then you must visit Hashmi Dawakhana, which gives you best possible medicine and services, to eradicate the root cause of the problem. They have a widespread network with their presence all across the country. Whenever the name of natural medicines and treatment comes, the first name that strikes in our mind is Hakeem Hashmi's Hashmi Dawakhana. They give you complete trustworthy solution for your health related diseases at reasonable rates. Visit

6 Blunders That Men Make in Bed

Men in India are generally more aggressive and active in bed when compared to their female counterparts. When they show this aggression in bed, there are several goof-ups they can make, which their female partner may not like much. These are the mistakes that men make while performing the act of sex, or even during arousal. These mistakes can be related to their sexual performance, behavior in bed, attitude towards female partner, expectations from sex and so on. Here are a few of these faux pas:
1. Don’t neglect foreplay: Men usually indulge in arousal acts for a little time and expect a fully aroused partner in bed. Your woman might be seeking more of it. Don’t behave as if you are just interested in intercourse. Stimulate your partner properly, so that she feels more excited and is comfortable in bed when the time comes to go all the way.
2. Don’t leave her halfway: Men often reach their climax much faster and much before their female partner has had an orgasm. Be thoughtful of your partners needs, and try different things like oral sex to satisfy her.
3. Don’t treat her like a porn star: It’s not bad to take hints from porn movies and sex magazines to add fun to your sex life. But if you start treating your partner like a porn star and expect her to do exactly the same stuff that you saw on screen or read about, it can make things go terribly wrong.
4. Don’t abuse her verbally: Some men have the tendency to get verbally abusive, rude and arrogant when they do not get the desired pleasure in bed or when the woman is not participating with much interest. This is certainly not going to be good for your sex life and overall relationship. This not only lowers the respect they have for you but they can also develop a feeling of resentment towards your abusive behavior, which definitely shows up during intimacy.
5. Don’t go wild: Some men love trying out wild and bold moves in bed, thinking that these will give more pleasure to them and their partner. But when they turn into a wild animal and can’t control their wild gestures, the passion can get killed and it becomes a big bedroom blunder.
6. Don’t be over demanding: Men are more experimental and daring when it comes to performing sex, and they often expect their female partner to act in the same way and fully participate in whatever “new” he wants to do in bed. But being over demanding can sometimes negate the sexual pleasure for her, and can make her to withdraw within herself, and she may become reluctant to become intimate with you.
It’s good to experiment in bed but be mindful of your partner’s needs and feelings. Talking beforehand about the different things you want to try in bed, to make sure that your partner is comfortable with them, is always a good idea. Be gentle and understanding, it will go a long way in helping you spice up your sex life and save you from making mistakes that can throw a spanner in your works.

If you are looking for best natural treatment then you must visit Hashmi Dawakhana, which gives you best possible medicine and services, to eradicate the root cause of the problem. They have a widespread network with their presence all across the country. Whenever the name of natural medicines and treatment comes, the first name that strikes in our mind is Hakeem Hashmi's Hashmi Dawakhana. They give you complete trustworthy solution for your health related diseases at reasonable rates. Visit

Tagged as: relationships, sex tips, sexual health

5 Tips for Sexual Intimacy during Pregnancy

Sexual intercourse during pregnancy is something that can only be enjoyed if both the partners talk and communicate openly and candidly with each other.The expectant mother goes through a lot of physical and hormonal changes in her body and her needs and the safety of her and the baby should be the main and the only priority; this means that her partner has to adjust and understand accordingly.
A lot of folks have doubts if it’s safe to have sex during pregnancy and I have written a post on this subject, which you can read here. After you have gotten used to the new physical and psychological reality of your female partner, here are few tips on sexual intercourse during pregnancy:
1. As mentioned above talking and accepting the physical and hormonal changes in the expectant mother goes a long way in eliminating frustrations for both partners, which is necessary if they are to enjoy sexual intimacy.
2. Try avoiding sex in the first trimester if the pregnant woman suffers from fatigue, nausea or vomiting. The second trimester is the best time to have sex during pregnancy as the woman has more than likely overcome the trials and tribulations of the first trimester and will enjoy sex.
3. Avoid rear entry intercourse and orovaginal sexual contact during pregnancy as it can cause venous air embolism which can be fatal for the woman if left untreated.
4. Try different sexual positions to make sex as comfortable as possible for the pregnant woman. This is especially important in the latter part of the pregnancy because the woman may feel physically cumbersome and uncomfortable during this time.
5. Try other methods of intimacy beside sexual intercourse if the pregnant woman is placed on bed rest by her doctor or just does not feel up to the task. Hugging, kissing, giving light massages, caressing each other etc are good alternatives to sex, which also make both partners feel wanted and gets them closer not only physically but also emotionally.
Sexual intercourse during pregnancy is something to be enjoyed and not to be shied away from. It needs understanding from both partners, especially the man. Do not indulge in it if your doctor has forbidden it for any type of medical reasons. In any case, if in doubt always consult your doctor for guidance.

If you are looking for best natural treatment then you must visit Hashmi Dawakhana, which gives you best possible medicine and services, to eradicate the root cause of the problem. They have a widespread network with their presence all across the country. Whenever the name of natural medicines and treatment comes, the first name that strikes in our mind is Hakeem Hashmi's Hashmi Dawakhana. They give you complete trustworthy solution for your health related diseases at reasonable rates. Visit

Tagged as: female sexual health, pregnancy, relationships, sex during pregnancy, sex tips, sexual health

5 Things That Can Make You Lose Your Sex Drive

Loss of libido or sex drive is very common in both men and women of all ages, from the young to the old. Disinterest in sex can cause a lot of strain in a relationship, not only in their bedroom but also in other aspects of their relationship. So it’s vital to be able to identify what is causing this, and how to get it treated so that you can get your sex life back on track.
There can many causes for loss of libido; here are the 5 most common ones:
1. Medications: Some antidepressants and blood pressure medications can have the unwanted side effect of lowering your sex drive. If you have been prescribed any such medication, and have started to notice a drop in your sex drive, then I would suggest that you consult your doctor to find out if it’s possible to replace that particular medication with one which does not affect your sex drive.
2. Erectile Dysfunction: ED is a very common problem in men and a lot of times its just temporary, but worrying and stressing about it can lead you to experience lower sex drive, accentuating the problem. If you are suffering from erectile dysfunction or impotence, then its a good idea to consult with a qualified sexologist who can treat both the physical and psychological aspects of ED.
3. Depression: This is a tricky one because suffering from depression can cause a drop in your sex drive and this drop can further increase your depression. So it’s important that you treat this condition as soon as possible through therapy and counseling. If you are taking antidepressants then check for its potential side effects as mentioned in cause No.1.
4. Menopause: The hormonal changes that occur in a women’s body during menopause can lead to a loss of libido. Consult your doctor for treatments for this symptom, which is quite common during menopause.
5. Self Image: It is important to feel good about yourself because a negative self image will almost always cause you to have a lower sex drive. Low self esteem can be caused by many factors including obesity, peer pressure, financial difficulties etc. It is important to rectify these by keeping yourself physically fit and not worrying too much about what others think of you etc.
These are just 5 of many factors that can cause loss of sex drive, others factors include alcohol, stress, lack of sleep etc. What is important is for you to know that this is a very common occurrence and which can be rectified by discipline and professional help. So consult a doctor or a sexologist to get the intimacy in your relationship back to where it belongs.

If you are looking for best natural treatment then you must visit Hashmi Dawakhana, which gives you best possible medicine and services, to eradicate the root cause of the problem. They have a widespread network with their presence all across the country. Whenever the name of natural medicines and treatment comes, the first name that strikes in our mind is Hakeem Hashmi's Hashmi Dawakhana. They give you complete trustworthy solution for your health related diseases at reasonable rates. Visit

Tagged as: health tips, sex problems, sexual health

5 Relationship Issues That Can Cause Depression

Depression is basically a disturbed state of mind that directly affects your thoughts, behavior and well being. It can be related to relationships problems that would include sadness, guilt, restlessness, loneliness or isolation. When you feel depressed, you tend to isolate yourself from the world around and start thinking about the reason behind the turmoil in your relationship.
This continuous depression affects your ability to concentrate and think, and hence you cannot behave properly and can’t take decisions wisely. As a result of this, you even fail to find solutions to your relationship problems and you are more likely to say certain things, which you may not mean and these can lead to further aggravation.
Hence, it’s very important to know what’s going wrong in your relationship and why you are facing tough times with your partner. Some of the major reasons are listed below:
1. If your partner’s behavior towards you is not as desired, you tend to think a lot and remain depressed. There are times when your partner behaves badly with you, talks rudely, and disrespects your feelings and emotions and it gets tough to tolerate behavior.
2. At times when you are feeling low, you need emotional and physical support from your partner and if at that point of time, they are not with you, there are chances that you feel dejected and disowned. In this case, your partner fails to understand and respect your needs and hence you get depressing thoughts.
3. Sexual dissatisfaction between partners is another key factor that can contribute to depression. When you are unable to satisfy your partner sexually or you are not getting any kind of sexual satisfaction from them, this situation forces you to go into a state of depression and feel guilty within your heart. Try to identify your sexual problems and get them treated by a qualified medical professional.
4. In a relationship, you often seek to spend quality time with your partner, but if they tend to ignore your presence and appear reluctant to enjoy any romantic moments in your company, you feel like being used and as a result take a lot of tension that leads to sadness.
5. In an attempt to enjoy a blissful relationship, you try by any and all means to keep your partner happy. But there are times when the other partner simply pays no attention to your gestures and rather insults your special feelings towards them. In such a situation, you have no other option but to feel bad and lonesome and become a victim of depression.
So as you can see the type of relationship that you have with your partner is crucial for your mental health. It is very important to not keep your emotions and dissatisfaction about the way your partner treats you pent up inside of you. Communicate clearly with him/her and let them know how you feel. You can even try couple’s therapy to sort out the problems and if in spite of this things don’t work out, then maybe it’s time for you to move on and save yourself unnecessary misery.

If you are looking for best natural treatment then you must visit Hashmi Dawakhana, which gives you best possible medicine and services, to eradicate the root cause of the problem. They have a widespread network with their presence all across the country. Whenever the name of natural medicines and treatment comes, the first name that strikes in our mind is Hakeem Hashmi's Hashmi Dawakhana. They give you complete trustworthy solution for your health related diseases at reasonable rates. Visit

Tagged as: lifestyle, marriage, relationships, stress, tips

5 Reasons Why Erectile Dysfunction is a Relationship Killer

Having inhibitions to talk about your sexual problems often act as slow poison that ruins a relation and gradually kills it. Most couples will experience some kind of difficulty in their sexual life related to sex positions, premature ejaculation, unsatisfactory orgasm, erection troubles, performance anxiety etc. Unfortunately, not many couples will not pay heed to come out of their shell and discuss these concerns with an expert who can guide them and give solutions to these problems, so that they can strengthen their relationship.
Of all the sexual problems, erectile dysfunction is the most common one that men come across. Not really a disease, but medically speaking, erectile dysfunction is a state where the male partner is unable to keep and maintain his erection for a desired period of time and loses it in between the act of intercourse, thus failing to satisfy his partner.
Also, it’s noteworthy to mention that considering the fast changing social scenario, even the Indian law has gone to an extent of setting out new standards for man-woman relations. Under this, the Honorable Supreme Court of India March 21, 2006, ruled that a wife can duly seek divorce on grounds of a husband’s sexual incapacity and his failure to consummate the marriage due to any such physical handicap.
Erectile dysfunction can be attributed to various reasons like diabetes, age factor, medical condition, side effects of illicit drugs, stress, performance anxiety, cardiac problems, psychological factors etc, but if couples don’t feel comfortable talking about it and finding a solution, it will only harm their relationship.
Though many men will try local medicines (read Viagra or their generic version) to enlarge their organ size and gain perfect erection but they would never bother to trace the symptoms behind their problem, which can be physical and or psychological. Therefore, erectile dysfunction tends to act as a deadly relationship wrecker, which not only affects the male partner but also irks the female partner leaving her dissatisfied, unhappy and betrayed each time the couples indulge in an intimate session.
Here are 5 reasons why Erectile Dysfunction can come in way of your marital bliss. So make sure before it starts creeping in slowly in your love paradise and spoils the fun, you consult a specialist who can suggest you best possible solutions.
1. The fact that you fail to get a perfect erection for a fulfilling sex experience hurts your self-esteem and adversely affects your confidence level. This puts you in a mental-physical dilemma, which gets reflected in your routine actions and the way you behave with your partner.
2. You also start sulking with a sense of embarrassment and humiliation, as you start to wonder about what your partner thinks of your sexual performance. This this lack of communication between you and your partner may divert your marriage towards the path of separation.
3. While performing in bed, the guilt of not satisfying your partner makes you feel imperfect and hence you cannot connect with her, neither sexually nor emotionally. The process of building a comfort zone with your partner gets completely ruined as ED keeps you under fear all the time and holds you back from concentrating making love.
4. The recurring instances where you are unable to overcome this problem of ED can make you completely disinterested in the act of sex. Each time you try to perform an intercourse, you end up landing in a conflict with your disturbed mental state and thus the entire passion gets killed. And remember your partner will not like making love to a boring partner.
5. Accepting the fact that you suffer from a sexual difficulty makes you feel weak from inside, leaves you frustrated and at times even becomes the reason behind your workplace anxieties. And that stress at workplace will have a direct impact on your relationship.
Having said it all, it’s for all men out there to realize that it’s the need of the hour for them to start taking these sexual problems seriously. In case you face any difficulty in your sex life, do not hesitate in consulting an expert to find out the best possible solution. After all, nobody would want to let their marriage go for a toss over such issues.
Even your family members would want to see you living a happy and a contented married life. So, ensure that you do every possible thing to avoid any chances of these sexual issues coming in way of your relationship. It’s rightly said that a ‘stitch in time saves nine’, thus I suggest that before this small sexual matter takes the form of a huge problem and creeps in your sexual paradise, it’s better to discuss it with your doctor and seek their help. Don’t forget the key to a happy married life is to have a contented and pleasing relationship with your wife – both emotionally and sexually.

If you are looking for best natural treatment then you must visit Hashmi Dawakhana, which gives you best possible medicine and services, to eradicate the root cause of the problem. They have a widespread network with their presence all across the country. Whenever the name of natural medicines and treatment comes, the first name that strikes in our mind is Hakeem Hashmi's Hashmi Dawakhana. They give you complete trustworthy solution for your health related diseases at reasonable rates. Visit

Tagged as: ed, erectile dysfunction, impotence

5 Personal Hygiene Tips For a Healthier Sexlife

Your body smell can act as a natural aphrodisiac that can tempt your partner for instant sex. But if that pleasing smell gets converted into bad body odor, your sex life or rather that of your partner could become a little unpleasant to say the least. Taking care of your personal hygiene is one of the most essential parts to ensure a healthy and happy sex life. Especially if your partner is particular about personal cleanliness, you must take care that you don’t mess up with the hygiene issues. Here are some essentials things that you need to be careful about and create a greater comfort zone for your partner during intimacy.
1. TAKE A BATH: Of course, no one would feel like getting intimate if you smell bad or you are completely wet with your sweat. So it’s suggested that you take a shower and feel fresh before you get going for a sexual quickie. With this feeling of freshness, you would feel more aroused and can perform the sexual act with better energy.
2. CLEAN UP: Couples always want to enjoy oral sex as a foreplay act or during the sexual stint but if you have not washed your sexual organs properly, your partner could get put off and reluctant to give you the oral pleasure. Also, you must wash off your sexual organs properly before and after having sex for your own personal health.
3. GET RID OF BRITTLE HAIR: While enjoying sexual acts, one tends to touch their partner all over their body and if they are too hairy on certain parts, it may put your partner off. So make sure you have shaved off brittle hair or at least trim them neatly, so that your mate can enjoy to the fullest and give you maximum pleasure. Also, these body hair can make you look unkempt and can even come in way of your sexual pleasure and make it uneasy for you and your partner to enjoy.
4. KEEP YOUR HANDS CLEAN: You would often feel tempted to love your partner anywhere and at any point of time. But you must ensure that your hands and especially your nails are not dirty, as it may irritate your partner. The dirt tends to carry various germs, dust etc, which your partner would not appreciate when you touch them. So it’s not a great thing to start foreplay right after eating something or when you have come from outside. Always wash your hands, so that your partner feels nice when you softly touch them on cheeks, lips and other parts of the body.
5. BREATH OF FRESH AIR: If your mouth is stinking due to something that you ate before having sex, it can create a state of discomfort for the other partner while kissing. So always brush your teeth after a meal and before you get into the bed. You can also get rid of this smell either by chewing a mint gum or by taking some mouth freshener that makes you breath fresh and pleasant.
So next time when you seek some romantic moments with your partner, make sure you have gone through all of these hygiene tips, thus leaving no chance to irk your partner in the bed. Moreover, it’s always good fun to love someone who is clean and careful about their own hygiene. So enjoy sex sans any discomfort!

If you are looking for best natural treatment then you must visit Hashmi Dawakhana, which gives you best possible medicine and services, to eradicate the root cause of the problem. They have a widespread network with their presence all across the country. Whenever the name of natural medicines and treatment comes, the first name that strikes in our mind is Hakeem Hashmi's Hashmi Dawakhana. They give you complete trustworthy solution for your health related diseases at reasonable rates. Visit

Tagged as: health tips, hygiene, tips

5 Myths about Depression That You Need To Know About

Depression is something that affects a lot of people. It can lead to multiple problems in life, the person suffers in all aspects of his or her life; from the professional front to personal front and can aggravate medical conditions including erectile dysfunction among others. Some people think that they can beat depression on their own and do things out of ignorance which can worsen their condition instead of improving it. Here are a few myths about depression that you need to be aware about.
1. Immersing yourself in your work will help beat depression: This may work for awhile in cases of very mild depression, but overworking can be a sign of clinical depression. So the next time you are feeling that losing yourself in work will help you get over your blues, think again.
2. Depression is not an ailment: Unfortunately a widely held belief is that being depressed is the same thing as being sad. It has been scientifically proven that chemical imbalances in the brain can cause depression.
3. Depression is the same as self pity: We live in a macho society, where anyone suffering from depression is a lot of times looked upon as a moaner and a weak person, which is far from the truth. As mentioned above depression is a medical condition and should be dealt with appropriate medication.
4. Depression causes people to cry: Everyone who suffers from depression will not cry. People show depression in different ways, some get emotionally drained, some lose their self worth. The point is that it is not right to stereotype depressed person as someone who is always crying.
5. Anti-Depressant drugs are a lifelong necessity: Contrary to what a lot of people believe, medication for combating depression needs not be a lifelong dependency. In-fact most people who get treated for this condition don’t need long term medication. Modern therapy has come a long way to help reduce the dependency on drugs to treat depression.
So the next time you or a loved one of yours shows signs of depression, be more open about accepting and treating this medical condition and get help by a qualified medical professional. Do what it takes to treat it as soon as possible so that you or your loved one can be on their way to leading a much happier life and avoid all the unnecessary misery and anguish; Remember never self medicate and always consult your doctor before starting any medication.

If you are looking for best natural treatment then you must visit Hashmi Dawakhana, which gives you best possible medicine and services, to eradicate the root cause of the problem. They have a widespread network with their presence all across the country. Whenever the name of natural medicines and treatment comes, the first name that strikes in our mind is Hakeem Hashmi's Hashmi Dawakhana. They give you complete trustworthy solution for your health related diseases at reasonable rates. Visit

Tagged as: depression, health, health tips, stress

5 More Things to Avoid Before Sex

A lot of folks think that enjoying good sex is only about the act itself, though it is the most important aspect of great intimacy, you should not ignore other details which lead up to a satisfying sexual encounter.
You need to pay attention to these smaller yet crucial details especially some pre-sex habits or acts which may distract your mood while you are performing the sexual act. However, these can be easily avoided provided you know what they are and how they can disrupt your bedroom fun and act as a spoilsport. Here are some of the most common things that couples often do without realizing the adverse affects they can have.
1. Don’t eat too much when you plan to have sex. This can hinder your sexual performance, as you tend to feel a bit full and uncomfortable to be able to try different positions in bed. Also, avoid consuming food items like onion, garlic, ginger or other smelling foods, as it may irritate your partner while you are getting close to them.
2. Don’t slip between the sheets immediately after finishing your office work. Some people get their office work at home have the habit of finishing this pending work and then get into the bed for some intimate moments, but this is not a great idea. In such cases, chances are high that you still keep thinking about whether the work was done properly or not and with these thoughts running in your mind, you can’t concentrate properly on the sexual act.
3. Don’t watch a horror or a depressing movie right before having sex. Such films may directly affect thought process, and in some cases even make you feel scared or leave you with many questions that you keep pondering on. Now if you are surrounded by such things while getting romantic with your partner, there are high chances of getting distracted and spoiling all the fun.
4. Don’t make the kids sleep a few minutes before you plan a round of sex. Kids have very erratic sleep patterns and they might get up any random or odd time. Hence it’s better to make them go off to sleep at least a couple of hours before you move towards your bedroom with your partner, so that by the time you plan to have some intimate moments, kids are fast asleep and won’t bother you.
5. Don’t have a serious conversation or any heated argument before a round of sex. By doing this, you create an atmosphere of animosity and this will kill the passion which you and your partner need to enjoy your private moments. Also, after having any verbal clashes, your mood tends to remain a bit upset and this might show up in your sexual performance too and could ruin the pleasure.
These are some of the main things that you must avoid while you are gearing up for a sexual session. All of these tend to hinder your bedroom performance and pleasure. So, make sure to not commit these mistakes either intentionally or mistakenly.

If you are looking for best natural treatment then you must visit Hashmi Dawakhana, which gives you best possible medicine and services, to eradicate the root cause of the problem. They have a widespread network with their presence all across the country. Whenever the name of natural medicines and treatment comes, the first name that strikes in our mind is Hakeem Hashmi's Hashmi Dawakhana. They give you complete trustworthy solution for your health related diseases at reasonable rates. Visit

Tagged as: relationships, sex, sex tips, tips

5 Lifestyle Changes That Can Boost Female Libido

As I have mentioned in previous articles, the loss of libido (loss of sexual desire) is by far the most common sexual health related problem faced by women of all ages. This particular problem can cause a lot of friction and frustration in a relationship if left unsolved. Here are few tips on lifestyle changes that can help you boost your waning libido:
1. The power of positive thinking: We can condition our mood by training our brain to focus more on the positive aspects of our life and not on the negative ones. Don’t fret too much about the things that are not right in your life, as constantly thinking about them will have a definite negative impact on your emotional state of mind and that is the number one cause of loss of libido. As with everything in life the more you practice positive thinking the more of a habit it becomes and you will see improvement in not only your sex life but in all aspects of your relationship and daily life.
2. Exercising your way to increasing sexual desire: Yes I know everyone is badgered about how good exercising is for your health in general, but do you know that it exercising regularly also betters your sex life by increasing the flow of blood to the sexual organs and improve your mood by releasing chemicals called endorphins in your brain, which makes you feel good. Moderate exercise also helps increase the testosterone levels in your body which is another key ingredient in boosting libido.
3. Don’t drink and smoke: excessive drinking and smoking not only has an adverse effect on your general health but also negatively impacts your sexual health. There are enough studies out there which underline this fact. So it’s a good idea to get rid of these addictions, especially smoking. Drinking in moderation is still okay.
4. Reduce that waistline: Being overweight causes a lot of women to not feel sexy about themselves and also not enjoy the sexual health itself. Try reducing your weight by doing a mix of exercise and a balanced diet, to keep yourself properly nourished.
5. Bring back the sense of adventure in your life: Our daily lives can turn monotonous very fast, try taking frequent breaks from the daily mundane tasks by going out on mini vacations with your partner and try out any type of adventure sport with your partner. The experience of doing activities with your partner that give you an adrenaline rush will soon translate itself in your bedroom as well.

These are a few of the lifestyle changes that you can incorporate in your daily life to boost up your sexual desire and regain your self confidence and improve your life in general. And remember to consult your physician or a qualified health professional before starting an exercise routine or a diet.

If you are looking for best natural treatment then you must visit Hashmi Dawakhana, which gives you best possible medicine and services, to eradicate the root cause of the problem. They have a widespread network with their presence all across the country. Whenever the name of natural medicines and treatment comes, the first name that strikes in our mind is Hakeem Hashmi's Hashmi Dawakhana. They give you complete trustworthy solution for your health related diseases at reasonable rates. Visit
Tagged as: Female Sex Problems, lifestyle, loss of libido, sexual health

5 Great Tips for Better Sex

The key to enjoying better intimacy with your partner is communication (or maybe non communication?). Most couples feel that their love life is boring or just repetitive; this is so because they are reluctant to tell their partner what turns them on or off. And guys most women will tell you what they want in bed, you just have to ask (a recent poll by men health magazine showed that up to 87% of women were happy to coach their men through sex). Here are a few tips on how you can spice up your love life.
1. Go beyond the conventional erogenous spots: A women has more sexually sensitive parts on her body than just the obvious ones, try exploring behind her knees, inside of her ankles, back of her neck, toes etc. you’ll be surprised with the results.
2. Watch Erotica with her: Most women enjoy watching porn as much as men do. They are just normally too shy to ask their partners, so take the initiative and watch erotica with each other, this can be a huge turn on for both the partners. Just make sure that the porn is in good taste and not too wild, unless of course that is what both partners want to watch.
3. Don’t change your position on a whim: If you find that your partner is enjoying a particular position during sex, make sure you don’t change it suddenly, especially if she is nearing a climax because that can put a dampener on the proceedings. You can always talk about trying out new and untried positions before you have sex and talk through the change of position during lovemaking.
4. Break the routine: Sex can become boring if it becomes a routine. Especially if it only happens during a specific day and time of the week, every time. Break this monotony by varying the time of the day when you have sex, you can do it in the morning instead of at night, surprise her by coming home early one day and making out etc. The point is that sex is more fun when it is spontaneous.
5. Try something different: Along with things like watching porn together, you can also experiment with sex toys, just because your women wants to try enhancing her pleasure with these toys doesn’t mean that you are not doing things right. In fact use of these will only show her how confident and sure you are of your own lovemaking abilities. She will definitely appreciate your effort to make her heighten her sexual pleasure. Just make sure you talk about this beforehand to see if she is comfortable with the idea.
These are a few tips to get you started on a new and exciting sexual journey with your partner, as I said before the key to making this work is communication. Your partner may sound reluctant in the beginning so you need to ease your partner into trying out new things in bed. Never force anything on them, because that will have the counter affect of what you are trying to achieve. Pay attention to the details and the signals they send you to find out what will work for you both.

If you are looking for best natural treatment then you must visit Hashmi Dawakhana, which gives you best possible medicine and services, to eradicate the root cause of the problem. They have a widespread network with their presence all across the country. Whenever the name of natural medicines and treatment comes, the first name that strikes in our mind is Hakeem Hashmi's Hashmi Dawakhana. They give you complete trustworthy solution for your health related diseases at reasonable rates. Visit

Tagged as: lifestyle, relationships, sex, sex tips, sexual health

5 Foods That Can Help Reduce Your Weight

Obesity not only poses risk to your general health but also sexual health as it also known to be one of the causes of erectile dysfunction. The main reason for obesity is lack of exercise and bad eating habits. Here are 5 foods that you can eat every meal that can actually help in reducing your gross body weight.
1. Green Tea Green Tea is one of the best anti-oxidants. It can reduce not just the risks of cancer but also speeds up your body’s metabolism. Green Tea is also known to help in fat burning. It is then recommended for anyone who wants to lose weight to switch to Green Tea every morning instead of taking their regular cup of coffee.
2. Scrambled egg whites Eggs are good weight reducer as well. But to make sure that you maximize its benefits, remove the yolks and scramble only the egg whites. Add some greens in it to further boost its effect. Remember using a fat-free pan when cooking. Blend the egg with spinach, mushrooms, and similar veggies.
3. Yogurt Love ice cream? Switch to yogurt instead. Yogurt is not only healthy; it is also rich in calcium. It helps reduce weight by deterring fat absorption in the small intestines. While yogurt doesn’t taste as good as ice cream, its health benefits are surely way better than your regular cone.
4. Oats If you are looking for carbohydrates in your meals, settle for oats instead. Oats can make you feel full so you won’t have to take that extra bite all the time. Furthermore, oats is loaded with soluble fiber. And that is exactly what your body needs to cut out on blood fat and cholesterol.
5. Salads There are nothing better than vegetables in your diet. A lot of leafy greens can help your body reduce weight while making sure that you get all the vitamins and nutrients that you need. You can also add a few fresh fruits in your salad for the best effects. Eat it every day and you’ll surely be thinner and healthier in the long run. Start eating healthy and combine it with moderate exercises to get maximum benefit for your health and intimate activities as well.

If you are looking for best natural treatment then you must visit Hashmi Dawakhana, which gives you best possible medicine and services, to eradicate the root cause of the problem. They have a widespread network with their presence all across the country. Whenever the name of natural medicines and treatment comes, the first name that strikes in our mind is Hakeem Hashmi's Hashmi Dawakhana. They give you complete trustworthy solution for your health related diseases at reasonable rates. Visit

Tagged as: Dieting, health, health foods, reduce weight

5 Common Myths about the Pill

Taking oral contraceptive pills is a very safe way to avoid pregnancies, though not 100% fail proof(1 in a thousand can get pregnant after using the pills in the correct manner) it still is one of the most effective ways to avoid pregnancy. Women nowadays are very well informed but unfortunately there still exist a lot of misconceptions about the pill, which lead a lot of them to not use this method of contraception.
Here are a few of the most common myths related to the Pill.
1. The pill will lead to weight gain: This by far is the most common myth about the pill. This is not true, in fact the pill has no calories and the weight gain one may experience is due to their eating habits more than anything else, there may be some water retention but it is so small that it is hardly noticeable.
2. Prolonged use will cause infertility: Long term use of the pill has no bearing on your fertility. Women become fertile almost immediately after the discontinuance of the pill.
3. You need to take break from the pill: If you are healthy then there is no medical reasons to take a break from the pill, in fact 8% of women who get pregnant while on the pill do so because they were not regular with the taking of the pill.
4. The pill may cause cancer: In fact the pill reduces the chances of women getting ovarian and uterine cancer. So it is an added incentive to use the pill.
5. The pill causes birth defects: As with any medication there a few health risks associated with the use of pills but serious side effects are very rare, in fact it is safer to use the pill than driving daily in your car.
So as you can see there are a lot of misconceptions about the pill and its side effects etc, you need to be aware that in the last 50 years it has been one of the most highly researched and prescribed medicines in the world. It is one of the safest and effective ways to practice birth control. But this does not mean that it is okay to have unprotected sex as you are still prone to sexually transmitted diseases, and always consult with your doctor before starting on the pills to know which type or combination of the pill you need to use.

If you are looking for best natural treatment then you must visit Hashmi Dawakhana, which gives you best possible medicine and services, to eradicate the root cause of the problem. They have a widespread network with their presence all across the country. Whenever the name of natural medicines and treatment comes, the first name that strikes in our mind is Hakeem Hashmi's Hashmi Dawakhana. They give you complete trustworthy solution for your health related diseases at reasonable rates. Visit

Tagged as: contraception, health tips, sexual health, tips, women

4 Reasons Why Extramarital Affairs Are On the Rise Today

With most couples struggling hard to have a happy married life well complimented with healthy sexual relations, it’s quintessential to be in sync during the bedroom action. Due to the hectic modern day lifestyle, partners often fail to give in to the needs and demands of their mate, hence problems, sexual dissatisfaction, personal disliking and obvious loathing start brewing in their relationship.
You may try your best to counter these problems but if every discussion ends up being a heated argument, things will get even worse. Then arises a point when you start seeking pleasure or sexual gratification elsewhere and the only choice that strikes your mind is to step out of your present relationship. Well, the phenomenon of getting sexually intimate with someone, other than your married partner, is nothing new. And in India, this scenario has only moved to a bigger level in the past decade. Having an extra marital affair cannot do any good to your current relationship.

Reasons that may lead to extra marital affair:

SEXUAL DISSATISFACTION: The major reason why you would decide to form a physical relation outside your marriage is because of ‘sexual dissatisfaction’. When you are not getting the desired enjoyment from your wife or husband, you do not feel the urge of getting intimate in bed. This forces an individual to hunt for sexual gratification with another partner. Several studies have indicated that a female tends to move out of her married relationship when there is sexual discontent and her partner cannot satisfy her sexual needs whereas the reason why men look out for another woman is certainly due to their wish to feel the change and get more excitement with a new partner. Also when a male is unable to perform well in bed, it is the fear, complex and stigma to face his partner that pushes him to isolate himself, which may or may not lead to an extra marital affair. However, females usually do not get any inferiority complex if their sexual performance is not up to the mark yet they try to improve their acts and remain close to their husband.
UNHAPPY ABOUT PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: The way you and your partner look often affects your sexual life. Be it the case that you are not confident about your looks or the other way round that your partner doesn’t have a pleasing personality, in both cases, there will be an evident discomfort during lovemaking. To get rid of this, individuals often look out for a suitable mate in terms of looks and physical appearance, which allows them perform better in bed.
SEXUAL BOREDOM: Another very common reason to estrange your present partner and indulge with someone else is out of sheer boredom. After years of marriage, couples often start missing the fun and thrill which initially existed in their relation. As a result, they seek excitement elsewhere. This case of cheating on your partner is purely out of an experiment and an urge to give a boost to your sexual performance by getting out of the daily boredom.
INCAPABILITY TO FULFILL SEX FANTASIES: Many a times, when you are unable to meet the sexual expectations of your partner, it instills a feeling of being imperfect in bed. This not only lowers your libido but also forces you to gain that sexual perfection to be able to understand your partner’s sexual desires. Hence, many individuals get involve with a second partner to put their desperation on rest.
The reason for extramarital affairs can be on or a combination of any of the above scenarios. It is important to identify these signals before they become a serious problem and are nipped in the bud because they will certainly lead to disharmony in not only your intimate relationship with your partner but will also an unpleasant atmosphere in your family. In my next post I will address how extramarital affairs can affect your relationship and some ways to avoid getting entangled in them.

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Tagged as: extramarital affairs, marriage

3 Reasons Why Women Fake Orgasm

It’s a well-known fact that a lot of women fake orgasm during sexual intercourse, and now a survey conducted in Great Britain has confirmed just how high the percentage is. According to this survey which was conducted by the University of Lancashire and University of Leeds; 80% of women faked orgasms at least 50% of the time and 25% women faked it an astonishing 90% of the time they had vaginal intercourse.
These are amazing statistics which begs the question- why do such large numbers of women pretend to climax during intercourse (which is the most intimate act); here are a few insights about why women fake an orgasm:
1. Inability to reach an orgasm during sexual intercourse: The majority of women need other stimulation apart from the actual act of lovemaking to achieve orgasm and when lovemaking goes on and on with them not climaxing, they tend to fake one.
2. When women are uncomfortable, tired or in pain etc.: Sometimes women go along with their partner in the act of lovemaking even though they are physically tired or if they experience pain during vaginal intercourse(due to dryness or vaginal tears). So they fake it to just stop the lovemaking.
3. To spare their partner’s feelings: Women know that most men are very conscious of their performance in bed, and for men; getting their partner to reach an orgasm is a key indicator to them of their sexual prowess. So women just fake an orgasm, so that their partner can feel that the sexual encounter has been satisfying for them both. There are a few things that a woman can do so that they don’t have to pretend an orgasm so often, the most important of which is letting their partner know which kind of stimulation helps them reach an orgasm (oral sex etc.) and guide them to the level of intensity that they like. Another way would be to use sex toys (vibrator etc.) to help them achieve orgasm.
This can only be done if there is open communication between the partners and both of them need to accept each other’s needs and react accordingly.

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Tagged as: relationship tips, relationships, sex tips, sexual health